
"MykonosFan" is my main project, where I typically create concise reviews on newly released video games. I enjoy letting people know about cool games they may otherwise not get around to playing, and this is my outlet for that. 

Direct link: MykonosFan - YouTube 


Crub is a supergroup of 8 creators who finally decided to monetize their friendship. Our main output is the Crubcast, a weekly show where typically 4 of us discuss the latest in our lives, gaming, general media, or the creator landscape.  You can find our YouTube through the embed, or audio versions in the link below.

The Crubcast: Listen here 


Find The Computer Room, or FTCR, is a Sonic the Hedgehog-focused collaborative channel I joined in 2013 and was given ownership of in 2020. Viewers enjoy our off-the-wall humor and far-too-deep insight into the Sonic series. Our bread-and-butter are our edited Let's Plays, but we're host to a number of podcasts, interviews, and discussion videos.

Direct link: FTCR - YouTube 

The Charity room

The Charity Room is an online group of friends who play games to raise funds for charities who need it most. Created in 2016, we have raised over $100,000 for groups like The Dreamscape Foundation, International Rescue Committee, and Diabetes Research Institute. I'm proud to help plan, execute, and participate in each yearly event we do.

Our website: Home | Fund The Charity Room ( 

commissioned editing

I've put dozens of hours into editing for The Golden Bolt, creating partial or total first-pass cuts for retrospective video essays that have gone on to gain hundreds of thousands of views. That's all very much due to him, but I'm proud of getting to contribute to his vision and helping these get out there. My availability is erratic, but if you want to e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page I'm open to discuss ideas and rates.

A full list I've worked on can be found here: Videos I've Worked On - YouTube 

(VERY occasional) SONIC writing

Most of my writing goes into scripted videos, but once in a while I do take some time to write dedicated articles! This primarily manifests in front page posts on Sonic Retro's front page. It still feels surreal that I get to contribute to the site as a staff member. Our author page system doesn't seem to be working, so I can't link to only my writing...but that's just more reason to read it all, right? Heck!